Top destinations from Uzhgorod, Ukraine

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The cheapest flights from Uzhgorod

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All flights from Uzhgorod

Uzhgorod - Lviv from 53 dollars
Uzhgorod - Bratislava from 107 dollars
Uzhgorod - Odessa from 146 dollars
Uzhgorod - Kharkov from 166 dollars
Uzhgorod - Warsaw from 176 dollars
Uzhgorod - Poznan from 180 dollars
Uzhgorod - Berlin from 212 dollars
Uzhgorod - Oslo from 220 dollars
Uzhgorod - Vilnius from 221 dollars
Uzhgorod - Krakow from 230 dollars
Uzhgorod - London from 231 dollars
Uzhgorod - Debrecen from 235 dollars
Uzhgorod - Budapest from 236 dollars
Uzhgorod - Paris from 245 dollars
Uzhgorod - Vienna from 249 dollars
Uzhgorod - Vienna from 249 dollars
Uzhgorod - Manises from 250 dollars
Uzhgorod - Larnaca from 253 dollars
Uzhgorod - Saint Petersburg from 255 dollars
Uzhgorod - Venice from 256 dollars
Uzhgorod - Kherson from 259 dollars
Uzhgorod - Tallinn from 262 dollars
Uzhgorod - Barcelona from 262 dollars
Uzhgorod - Ankara from 267 dollars
Uzhgorod - Frankfurt from 273 dollars
Uzhgorod - Alanya from 275 dollars
Uzhgorod - Krasnodar from 278 dollars
Uzhgorod - Zaporozhye from 280 dollars
Uzhgorod - Prague from 280 dollars
Uzhgorod - Moscow from 284 dollars
Uzhgorod - Bourgas from 290 dollars
Uzhgorod - Hanover from 290 dollars
Uzhgorod - Tbilisi from 291 dollars
Uzhgorod - Antalya from 293 dollars
Uzhgorod - Turin from 300 dollars
Uzhgorod - Sofia from 305 dollars
Uzhgorod - Kosice from 329 dollars
Uzhgorod - Nürnberg from 331 dollars
Uzhgorod - Nürnberg from 331 dollars
Uzhgorod - Tirana from 340 dollars
Uzhgorod - Zurich from 343 dollars
Uzhgorod - Stuttgart from 344 dollars
Uzhgorod - Milan from 344 dollars
Uzhgorod - Minsk from 352 dollars
Uzhgorod - Riga from 367 dollars
Uzhgorod - Dnepropetrovsk from 371 dollars
Uzhgorod - Madrid from 401 dollars
Uzhgorod - Almaty from 451 dollars
Uzhgorod - Amsterdam from 452 dollars
Uzhgorod - Kaunas from 497 dollars
Uzhgorod - Alicante from 541 dollars
Uzhgorod - Oradea from 542 dollars
Uzhgorod - Sharm el-Sheikh from 548 dollars
Uzhgorod - Tel Aviv Yafo from 565 dollars
Uzhgorod - Los Angeles from 890 dollars
Uzhgorod - Tokyo from 939 dollars
Uzhgorod - Seoul from 1113 dollars
Uzhgorod - Rio de Janeiro from 1603 dollars
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