Top destinations from Syros Island, Greece

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The cheapest flights from Syros Island

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One way

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Round trip

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All flights from Syros Island

Syros Island - Vienna from 143 dollars
Syros Island - Milan from 148 dollars
Syros Island - Barcelona from 195 dollars
Syros Island - Frankfurt from 202 dollars
Syros Island - Larnaca from 202 dollars
Syros Island - Stockholm from 222 dollars
Syros Island - Paris from 234 dollars
Syros Island - Skiathos from 249 dollars
Syros Island - Rhodes from 250 dollars
Syros Island - Nice from 259 dollars
Syros Island - Chios from 267 dollars
Syros Island - Chania from 271 dollars
Syros Island - Kos from 272 dollars
Syros Island - Zakinthos from 272 dollars
Syros Island - Mikonos from 284 dollars
Syros Island - Samos from 288 dollars
Syros Island - Kiev from 288 dollars
Syros Island - Moscow from 298 dollars
Syros Island - Heraklion from 298 dollars
Syros Island - Naxos from 300 dollars
Syros Island - Yerevan from 346 dollars
Syros Island - Budapest from 350 dollars
Syros Island - Munich from 376 dollars
Syros Island - Dublin from 378 dollars
Syros Island - Istanbul from 406 dollars
Syros Island - Bucharest from 430 dollars
Syros Island - Milas from 468 dollars
Syros Island - Oslo from 473 dollars
Syros Island - Amsterdam from 501 dollars
Syros Island - Tbilisi from 574 dollars
Syros Island - Washington from 655 dollars
Syros Island - Samarkand from 790 dollars
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