Top destinations from Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

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The cheapest flights from Batticaloa

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One way

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Round trip

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All flights from Batticaloa

Batticaloa - Colombo from 255 dollars
Batticaloa - Sigiriya from 459 dollars
Batticaloa - Male from 514 dollars
Batticaloa - Kuala Lumpur from 700 dollars
Batticaloa - Singapore from 739 dollars
Batticaloa - New Delhi from 771 dollars
Batticaloa - Bangkok from 775 dollars
Batticaloa - Mumbai from 777 dollars
Batticaloa - Moscow from 781 dollars
Batticaloa - Goa from 788 dollars
Batticaloa - Hong Kong from 842 dollars
Batticaloa - Phuket from 862 dollars
Batticaloa - Denpasar from 877 dollars
Batticaloa - Hanoi from 886 dollars
Batticaloa - Da Nang from 924 dollars
Batticaloa - Istanbul from 942 dollars
Batticaloa - Sharjah from 991 dollars
Batticaloa - Kuwait City from 1116 dollars
Batticaloa - Saint Petersburg from 1204 dollars
Batticaloa - Dubai from 1224 dollars
Batticaloa - Abu Dhabi from 1293 dollars
Batticaloa - Belgrade from 1366 dollars
Batticaloa - Barcelona from 1415 dollars
Batticaloa - Seoul from 1929 dollars
Batticaloa - Adana from 2010 dollars
Batticaloa - Beijing from 2159 dollars
Batticaloa - Cape Town from 2673 dollars
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