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- Istanbul from 79 dollars
- Alanya from 100 dollars
- Ankara from 106 dollars
- Kayseri from 122 dollars
- Denizli from 135 dollars
- Dalaman from 139 dollars
- Covilha from 140 dollars
- Izmir from 142 dollars
- Milas from 149 dollars
- Antalya from 150 dollars
- Nevsehir from 153 dollars
- Berlin from 157 dollars
- Adana from 158 dollars
- Budapest from 161 dollars
- Sofia from 164 dollars
- Milan from 167 dollars
- Sarajevo from 171 dollars
- Dusseldorf from 171 dollars
- Vienna from 171 dollars
- Cologne from 176 dollars
- Lefkosa from 177 dollars
- London from 188 dollars
- Tbilisi from 277 dollars
- Abu Dhabi from 288 dollars
- Amman from 328 dollars
- Bursa from 333 dollars
- Sochi from 349 dollars
- Hurghada from 373 dollars
- Diyarbakir from 453 dollars
- Almaty from 454 dollars
- Constantine from 591 dollars
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